Hello world. This is my first post for the year 2009. When it comes to new year, everyone is talking about resolutions. New year, new resolutions, (but usually) accompanied by not so new deeds and actions.
Indeed, this new year I really found new resolutions. At first, the resolutions were quite high but was downgraded for obvious reasons; easier and faster uploading. I am talking about the resolutions of my pictures which were shot just yesterday (or last night), depending on which part of the globe you are staying.
You see, I was attending a wedding dinner party of a friend's son. Being confident that there would be many guests of all sorts, like as usual, I brought along my camera, just in case. True indeed, there were many people coming, from near and afar, the rich and the not so rich, the young and the old, male, female and the "neither male nor female". I refer to these group of people the s/he guests. Like everyone else, the s/he guests are just like us except for a certain trait. A he will usually mistook them for a she, for on most occasions, only with their vocal pitch/tone can we really distinguish if they are in a true he or genuine she group. There are no reasons to despise them for they are part of the society.
While taking some shots of guests dancing to the live band, I chanced upon these s/he guests. I ask them politely if I can take their pictures and they happily obliged. Below are the (picture) resolutions that I am talking about.
The s/he guest on the left trying to retrieve something stuck in between (his or her?) teeth after the meal while the other looks on.
Dancing in and with the crowd. There is no gender discrimination here. Regardless if you are a he, a she or a s/he, are all invited to enjoy the live band.
I heard they all 'smoke' very well.
I see! You mean the high mega pixel digital camera right? Well, I’m not sure whether you’re using ACDSee v.9 Photo Manager. With that software, you can resize (down to KB sizes) any of graphic files with MB sizes.
I’m yet to check my Picasa lah, not sure if it got “resizing” character.
About the s/hes, well I do respect them. But then, as I’ve noticed in your photos, most of them have small boobs… I wonder why… Heh! What is your advice then, Tunabdulrazak?
not so familiar with the she male. but look like they are very happy do their thing in front of ur camera. hehehe....
small boobs? got big boobs to sell at MJC batu kawa. haha
hopefully SB is not going into pimping bizness.
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